12 Most Popular Types Of Cryptocurrency

Ricardo Ceppi/Contributor/Getty Images Bitcoin gets all the headlines when people talk about cryptocurrencies, but there are literally thousands of other options when it comes to these digital currencies. In fact, cryptos that aren’t Bitcoin are usually considered an “also ran” – what are called “altcoins,” or alternatives to Bitcoin. While Bitcoin may have been the … Read more

What Are Futures And How Do They Work

You can’t predict the future, but you can try to predict — or hedge against — how much certain goods will cost when they arrive. A futures contract obligates a buyer to take delivery of a good, or commodity, on a specific date. On the other end of the contract is a seller who is … Read more

Dividend Aristocrats What They Are And How To Invest In Them

Dividend Aristocrats are a special category of dividend-paying stocks with a long track record of making – and increasing – their payouts. Because of their stable and rising payouts, a collection of these dividend dynamos can form the basis of a lucrative income-paying portfolio. Here’s what Dividend Aristocrats are and why they may be just … Read more

What Is The Vix Volatility Index

Xinhua News Agency/Contributor/Getty Images Stocks are volatile. That much is understood by most investors, but what exactly is volatility and how is it measured for the overall stock market? You may have seen references to something called the VIX, an index that measures volatility, during times of extreme financial stress. Understanding it all can be … Read more